Wednesday, December 2, 2020


 Greetings of the day !!!!!

Dear students,

This is to inform you that NCERT is organising a KALA UTSAV COMPETITION - 2020 through online mode and hence has asked to submit entries of students of standard IX to XII in the field of Visual Arts.

You are therefore required to submit your entry/entries in any one or more of the following Art Theme by 09:00 p.m. today as Regional Level Competition will take place on 04-12-2020:

S.No) Art Theme 


1) Drawing (2-D) 

2) Painting(2-D) 

3) Print

4) Sculpture(3-D) 

5) Traditional Toys & Games

You can send your work on the no. 9870533342 directly via whatsapp.

In case of any query, you can directly contact me(Barkha, TGT - Art Education) on the no. as mentioned above.

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